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#2015STRONG Upper Body Workout (VIDEO)

Toned Arm Upper Body Workout
You know you’re in a good fitness routine when you actually miss your workouts. I’m finally in the last stages of quite literally the worst cold of my life and I honestly can’t wait for it to clear up so that I can get back to my #2015STRONG routine – not only do I feel way more strong and toned, but it’s helped better life in general. Sticking to the incredible full-body workout Meray created and cross-training with cardio has majorly boosted my motivation when it comes to my workouts, not to mention making me feel more energized period! With spring right around the corner, we wanted to pull together some really targeted workouts that will help get you spring-ready, so naturally, today’s video + workout is all about toning and really defining your arms, shoulders and back, body parts that get put on full display around this time of year! The full video and details about how you can get your own printable PDF to take to the gym are after the jump!

I’ve been comatose the whole week lying in bed but Alicia has been doing this religiously since we met with Meray last week and says it’s been kicking her ass in the best way possible, and that she’s already starting to see changes. I know that personally, my arms are usually the last place I see definition so I honestly can’t wait to start tackling this as soon as I’m fully recovered, which if I continue getting better at the rate I’m currently going at might even be tomorrow! Fingers crossed in a major way!

Now if you’re like me and like to have your music blaring full-blast during your workouts (i.e. no YouTube interruptions), then definitely sign up to my mailing list to get a downloadable PDF of this workout to either print off or save on your phone! Click here to sign up or scroll down to the bottom of this page to enter your email address. Having said that, I always love seeing moves in action to get a sense of how I’m supposed to flow through a workout, so be sure to bookmark this video or subscribe to me on YouTube to make it easy to retrieve!

Spring-Ready Upper Body Workout
Upper Body Workout Routine For the Home
Vancouver City Skyline
Adidas x Stella Sport Collection

Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go back to sleeping this cold off so that I can seriously get back to making this my strongest year yet, not to mention one of my best friends is leaving for Australia indefinitely this Monday so if I’m not well enough for her going away party on Saturday, I’ll literally cry! Thankfully, some of you lovelies have given me some truly amazing get-well-quick tips on Insta, so I definitely think I’m on the up and up now.

Happy weekend to you all and definitely let me know how your first #2015STRONG upper body workout goes (and again, don’t forget you can get the workout PDF emailed straight to you by subscribing below!).

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To Vogue or Bust