The Ultimate Beach Playlist

This summer has been a truly amazing one so far. Maui, cabin times, hanging out at the beach about every other day, playing guitar, spending time with friends, pursuing a few exciting opportunities – it’s been awesome. When life is this good, you usually have a playlist to go along with it, and this one after the click is mine
I would best describe it as a surf-punk-grunge mix but really, it’s just a mash-up of my favourite songs lately that happen to work perfectly with my summer so far. Pack up your beach towel, hit play and get out in the sun this weekend!

Surf Punk Mash Up by Alexandra Grant on Grooveshark

Hope you discovered some fresh names or already love some of these songs. Happy weekend friends!

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  1. 7.22.14
    Sophie said:

    Great list, Alexandra! I believe that when the sun is shining and the beach is a bus ride away. All we need is some best summer songs for ourselves and some sand games for our kids.

    Fun Beach Games for Kids

To Vogue or Bust