Turquoise and Coral

Dress c/o Vamastyle, bag c/o P L E N + Y, shoes c/o Miz Mooz,

It’s hard to believe it was only a few days ago that it was warm enough to wear this stunning Vamastyle dress since it’s become so rainy and miserable since then! I keep forgetting we’re just at the very beginning of the summer because as soon as the rain showed up, I had an immediate “summer lost” feeling…I need to bear in mind that we still have another four months (hopefully) of at least intermittently sunny weather to look forward to!
As always though, I’m loving Vamastyle – I find their pieces are so easy and comfortable to wear yet they also feel instantly “together” – exactly how you want to feel around the summertime.
Hope you all had a good weekend and if you’re a mum, that you had a great Mother’s Day yesterday!

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  1. 5.13.13
    Emma said:

    I like the boho feel of the flowy chiffon dress but the print is really fun!!


  2. 5.13.13

    This is beautiful! You look gorgeous in these tropical colors!

  3. 5.13.13

    The pattern and colors on this dress are stunning, I love it!


  4. 5.13.13
    Annick said:

    Your hair is absolutely gorgeous in this post. Well, it's always gorgeous, but I love the wave going on today!

    That dress seems so comfortable! I love coral accessories as an accent!

    Bold Subtlety

  5. 5.13.13
    Mounette said:

    You are so pretty my friend, I like green and corail touch!

  6. 5.13.13

    Cute dress! The sleeves are so fun!

  7. 5.13.13

    you pull off this dress effortlessly! Hope the weather gets better! x

  8. 5.13.13

    So stunning! Love that dress and love the necklace, the clear pendant it really pretty <3

  9. 5.13.13
    Heidi said:

    These colors are beautiful on you! It has been the same here. Super rainy and cold. xo Heidi http://fabricandfrosting.blogspot.no/

  10. 5.13.13

    ONe of my favourite colour combinations! Love the dress.

  11. 5.14.13

    I love these 2 colors on the dress together!

  12. 5.14.13

    Love the colors- the shoes and purse match perfectly as well! Very cute. – O

  13. 5.14.13

    This print is perfect! Loving this shape on you!


  14. 5.14.13
    Ramona said:

    It seems like everywhere the weather have changed. we are having wintery like weather at the moment with strong winds. You look lovely in this pretty dress. Hope soon weather will change to better and again we will be able to wear everything pretty and flowy.

    xoxo Ra


  15. 5.15.13

    how you paired turquoise and coral together is just perfect!


  16. 5.15.13
    Marisa said:

    I'm loving these Vamastyle pieces too! The romper you wore was adorable and this dress is so perfect for anything. The turquoise and coral is a great colour combination. I'm hoping we have another four months of sunny weather too!


  17. 5.16.13

    Beautiful. Love this dress/cover-up!


  18. 10.13.15
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