Sun Flares

With sun in my present and school in my future, my current inspirations range accordingly from Hanneli’s autumn-appropriate knit to that beautiful marigold dress.

I’ve fallen into a very comfortable way of life over the past week or two.  I basically study, work, sun-bathe, read, and run on repeat.  I’ve finally slowed into summer-mode and am loving it – trouble is, I only have three weeks of it left and then I’m looking at 45 hours a week in a classroom, two hours a day in transit, and God knows how much more time spent studying and trying to keep up a semblance of a life.  Up to this point, I’ve been nothing but excited, but now that I’m staring the dragon in its face it’s starting to just look downright scary.  If any of you have been through and survived an intensive program like the one I’m going into…I could really use your suggestions right about now!

Images courtesy of Fashion is a Playground, The Sartorialist,
Altamira NY, Hanneli Mustaparta, Easy Fashion

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  1. 8.7.11
    Ann said:

    Oh my…

    totally the look and outfits I'm loving these days, the sweater… the marigold dress… and the shoes on the fourth image is gorgeous.

    love it all ♥

  2. 8.7.11
    Cee said:

    I didn't know it until I read this post, but the girl in the fifth photo is exactly how I have always dreamed of looking… Shame I, you know, have completely different colouring and bone structure 😛 I have to tell you, I'm so envious you've had a summer holiday period. I think the easiest way to manage an intensive program like the one you're going into is to know you get an extended holiday in the summer. Enjoy it!

  3. 8.7.11
    MizzJ said:

    That photo of the girl in the 2nd to last photo has definitely been making the rounds – she is gorgeous and so Marilyn Monroe-esque! My advice for heavy school loads is sleep, wine, and a continual chant of "It'll all be worth it in the end"

  4. 8.8.11



  5. 8.8.11

    Love that 2nd photos.. Hanelli takes some amazing photos
    Lee x

  6. 8.8.11
    Ellie said:

    Awesome inspirations doll! Love every single photo!

  7. 8.8.11
    Leonie said:

    Nice inspirations!
    NEW OUTFIT POST: At Robson Square

  8. 8.8.11

    Gorgeous photos! I feel for you. I was in an intense college theater program, it was 6 days a week. We were in the classroom Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., then rehearsals from 6 'til 10 p.m. Saturdays we were there for 4 hours at least. And it wasn't all fun and games, we had to write papers, work on projects, I had English and Sociology on top of that, it was hard but I did it! And you can too! Just take it one day at a time. I wish you the best of luck and lots of sleep!

  9. 9.1.11
    5thsquare said:

    The first photo reminds me about Isabelle Marant spring/summer LOVE IT! This mustard dress is stunning and i love the 4th outfit

To Vogue or Bust