

Outfit 1: Club Monaco skirt and shirt,
H&M clutch and ring, vendor necklace

Outfit 2: Wilfred bustier camisole, H&M wedges,
Urban Outfitters clutch, American Apparel skirt,
H&M necklace, Birks bracelet

I’m telling you, this is just the tip of the iceberg…there are so many more pictures backstocked it’s not even funny.  Though I was initially excited to get back home, now that I’ve been back in the rain for the past two days I’d give anything to be back in the sunshine.  SIIIIIIIIIIGH.  Looks like I need to start saving for my next trip ASAP.

Do you know what might be the least fun task in the entire world?  Reworking your resumé.  Aside from school applications, I find that it’s somehow both the most boring and stressful undertaking ever.  If anyone wants to offer their resumé-building tips/services, please, be my guest!

Hope you’re all enjoying your Thursdays!  Friday is almost just within reach…can’t wait for a glass (or three) of wine tomorrow night!

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  1. 5.26.11
    Marie-Eve said:

    Lovely pictures. I'm actually going on vacation a week from now and I can't wait, and I'll definitely seek that american apparel skirt before I go, It's so pretty !!!

  2. 5.27.11

    Oh I agree entirely!! Re-working your resume is definitely the worst task in the world… i hate doing it!! I find the best way to get it done for me, is to stop procrastinating over it and just sit down till it's done 🙂 good luck with it!

  3. 5.27.11
    Cee said:

    First: I am dying over that skirt. I can't believe I somehow missed it, since it's clearly a Club Monaco gem and we all know I have a mild addiction. It looks just amazing on you. Also, seriously, the bikini body… Starting to make me just a little bit jealous, miss 😉 Of course, no matter how much I exercise, I will never get any taller. Sigh. I can't blame you for being not particularly pleased to be back, the weather is just miserable and reworking a resume is just adding insult to injury! Luckily we have our weekend gathering to look forward to. Can't wait to see you!

  4. 5.27.11
    Sassy said:

    Nice post. I love these pictures. You look so lovely…

    Alla moda e con stile

  5. 5.27.11
    Cara said:

    Love that white club monaco skirt! So beautiful…and you look so good in that white bikini too! Wow, amazing photos, so fun! Feeling the need for a vacation asap too!
    xo Cara

  6. 5.27.11

    Excellent beach outfits! Effortless beach-chic is the best in such hot weather.

    As for the resume suckiness: Piece it together by placing your greatest assets at the top. Statements that show what you accomplished and how it impacted where you worked. It's what + so what. So if you worked on increasing brand awareness (for example) state how you did that (what skills did you utilize)and what the outcome was. The best is when you can quantify the outcome, if not that's okay. But that will really punch up your resume. Also, always order your experience from what will be most relevant to the position you are applying for. Clean and neat, not TOO much white space, but not cluttered and ALWAYS tailor your resume (and cover letter) for each position you apply for. (Of course this depends on where you apply…I'm a recent reader, so I don't know you that well.)

    Great blog and hope this helped somewhat!


  7. 5.28.11

    Alexandra! You look so sun-kissed and happy! I love everything you're wearing and you and your boyfriend are so cute together! And you look amazing in your bikini! Glad to see you had such a great time in Mexico! I love the underwater shot! I know what you mean about resumes…it's really time consuming and I alway dread about it. I like to keep my resume as short as possible and to the point. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!xoxoxoo

  8. 5.28.11

    Amazing pics!:)

  9. 5.30.11

    These are such great pics! I love the water ones. I agree, reworking a resume isn't that exciting, it's just one of those things you have to do from time to time ; ) Hopefully by the time you read this you will be done!

  10. 6.1.11
    Ruby Girl said:

    i'm quite impressed with these photos. yikes! action shots with waves, etc. so great. just had to say that 🙂 <3 EverRubyGirl.

  11. 6.5.11

    Ahhh I love all your skirts, they're so adorable + feminine/girly! Looks like you had a lovely time 🙂

To Vogue or Bust