One on One
Michael Kors heels, shorts c/o Gap Canada, bag c/o Roots Canada,
You guys, moving is stress-ful. Not just the logistics of it (what to bring, what to ditch, when to book a U-Haul, etc), but also just the little things that come up when two people’s extremely different tastes and priorities merge (or diverge) in a common space. The merit of an accent wall can be disputed for days, while debating just how many action film Blu-rays really need to take up residence in our new home can wind up being an hours-long battle. Let’s not even get started on electronics, action figures, accent pillows or colour palettes though…any of these topics just immediately spell disaster. I don’t even think this is a male-female cohabitation-specific situation – I feel like almost every time I’ve moved in with anyone in the past, be it a friend or otherwise, decor and space allocation become the most hotly disputed thing.
So anyway, I’m not going to waste breath on this post talking about how much I love these new Gap Canada boyfriend shorts (but yeah, I do, so comfy). Instead, I want to get straight to the point/unabashedly plea for help…how in all of God’s green earth are two people supposed to agree on a tiny apartment’s mutual aesthetic and functionality? Those of you in long-term live-in situations, feel free to chime in right about now.
Oh I was hoping to hear encouraging words about how easy the move was for you! We have 3 weeks until we transition to a new place and I'm dreading it!! 🙁
On the bright side, I love this outfit & own those same Gap shorts – aren't they great?!
Your boy sounds just like mine! I kind of gave up on pairing down on the DVDs, Blu-Rays, Action Figures and such because of how much they mean to him. Plus, I didn't really have to deal with it because they're all kind of stashed away in the second bedroom and I've been avoiding (for a year now!) trying to turn it into an office rather than deal with the storage space its has turned into. But yeah, the day I actually ask him to pair down his crap won't be pretty.
As for decorating, ugh, it's a pain trying to compromise with a boy. If mine had his way, everything would be black, grey or white. I don't mind the b&w look, but I try to add in things here and there without him noticing. I also tried not to bombard him with asking his opinion and just started buying things I liked. I figured that if he had any strong objections he'd tell me? I feel your pain Alexandra – the first month of trying to make a place look like a home with a boy is terrible – compromise suuuuucks. Especially if your other half has no sense of what's stylish haha.
Lovely look – I'm such a fan of that Zara blouse on you. Every time you wear it, it looks so effortless! I'm also totally in the market for a Roots bag – love the one you styled today!
Bold Subtlety
what a great bag — that would be perfect for fall! xo
I say if the movies mean that much to him let him keep them. Just find a cute little box or container to hide them in! Ha or a separate room that you don't go into often. My hubby loves comic books and has a section in the office just for his unsightly things. I think the longer you live together the more you realize what you both like and agree on. Somethings I couldn't live without are now in the donate pile because I like what our home has become with time and compromise more. It gets easier!
The Occasional Indulgence
I really like the oversized bag
I love these boyfriend shorts, they look so comfy! And perfectly paired with this silk blouse, such a great contrast. I've never moved in with another person, but I can imagine it's incredible stressful. I like to be the one dictating where everything should be so that'll be tough for me haha
I love everything about these photos! I'm swooning over your outfit, especially that beautiful shirt and denim cut offs. I love your hair back with minimal makeup, you are so pretty! You look natural and fresh. Gorgeous!
XO Jenna @ Demure in Diamonds (dot) com
girls rule, boys drool! tell him you're the one with the style so you get to decorate, & he can have his man cave!
haha. good luck!
allie at
Beautiful! Just perfect.
I guess I got lucky with my guy, he lets me decide everything that has to do with decor. We have had a few disputes on the things he should keep or leave behind but I always get my way. I love this look so relaxed. Hope you figure things out so you can stop stressing and start enjoying your new place.
Will be purchasing those shorts!
xo Emma
Moving suck! there really isn't any way of getting around it but when living and making decorative decision with a guy there is one tip i give my friends. first thing first is if he want one of his things out you get one of yours that way no-one can say its more one sided or not and secondly leave all the accent walls and really really decorative stuff till after all the organizing is done. that way you two can just focus on that together and then rule 1 applies. he gets some action figures out so you get a picture hung.
Great blouse!
I love everything about this outfit. I love the combination of distressed denim with a pair of simple heels.
Reno Has Style
This bag is GORGEOUS!!! The colour is perfection. Love the cut of your shorts too <3 xx
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