Cold Shoulder

How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or BustHappy Wednesday guys! Hope you all had the most amazing Valentine’s Day yesterday. Matt and I always take it really easy on V-Day because our anniversary is just a short 10 days later (and this one’s a big one, 9 years!) so we tend to save our date night for then. All the same, given how yucky February has been so far, I don’t really mind a month dedicated to love!

How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or Bust How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or BustAnd speaking of love, perhaps one of my most-loved pieces ever is this stunning cashmere coatigan from White + Warren, (similar one here), which is legitimately the most perfect piece for this time of year when it’s still properly chilly but you can start getting away with dropping some layers. I love the ease of going off the shoulder (it’s the new editor coat shrug, or so I saw in my last in-fight mag) and as far as styling tricks goes, this one’s as easy as they come.

How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or Bust How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or BustWorn simply with skinny jeans (these Mavi ones have been worn on repeat lately, it’s getting weird), these stunning (and waterproof!) boots from La Canadienne and simple black accessories (a wool fedora is always a good option for potentially drizzly days) and the resulting look is streamlined yet seriously chic.

How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or Bust How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or BustI always have at least one of Leah Alexandra’s pieces on but have been especially loving her chokers these days—they just add an extra statement, which can be seriously needed around this time of year when we’re still waiting to break out the spring pieces (though if you need help transitioning in, check out my style section where I have tons of tips, including this video!).

How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or Bust How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or Bust How to wear off the shoulder sweaters in White + Warren cashmere coatigan, Mavi skinny jeans, La Canadienne boots, Aritzia camisole, Express fedora, Leah Alexandra jewelry styled by To Vogue or BustI’m off now to experience a really incredible artisan experience here in Vancouver with One of a Kind and it’s all going to get shared on Insta Story—don’t want to share too much so make sure you’re following along over on Instagram to see what I get up to today (and what I’ll make!). Happy Wednesday lovelies!

Photos by Alicia Fashionista

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  1. 2.15.17
    Diana said:

    Super cool, you look great.

    || D I A N A ||

  2. 2.15.17
    Milex Roj said:

To Vogue or Bust